5 Feet of Fury

Bernie Farber: too stupid to really be Jewish?

Scaramouche writes about Canadian Jewry’s very own “Governor William J. Le Petomane”:

No, Bernie. That’s not the problem at all. The problem is that countless numbers of Muslims both here and abroad believe “jihad is the way; sharia is the goal” and will move heaven and earth to make it (i.e. sharia’s primacy) happen. At the same time you have a cockamamie social doctrine that tells immigrants that their religio-cultural baggage is every bit as valuable as the West’s, which is not only complete bollocks, but which dovetails all too well with the goals of those in a mushrooming population who are working, mostly non-violently, to quell “blasphemy” and establish sharia’s primacy.

That’s the problem.


Download Dr. Salim Mansur’s new (and courageous) report, The Muddle of Multiculturalism