The Australian, German and French leaders have finally realized the dangers their nations face, and now the British seem to have woken up as well. Canada? It’s only a matter of time.
Recent Canadian immigrants in Manitoba demanding their children not play sport with other youngsters, others refusing to eat with non-Muslim boys and girls and demanding prayer rooms, a chapel at a Toronto university where people are forced to remove their shoes even though it’s supposed to be “multi-faith”, human rights tribunals trying to confiscate people’s homes because they fire Muslim workers, and so on and so on.
Oh, and in Britain today a mass protest for Egypt screamed for Sharia Law.
Liberals are a little like lemmings, but not as cute.
PLUS: Someone else saying what I’ve been saying about multiculturalism for years, only nicer, here.
EXIT QUESTION: if 44% of Canadians agree with me, how can we all be “extremists”?