5 Feet of Fury

Ezra Levant: ‘So I’m signing up interns for my show, starting right now’

Ezra Levant writes:

Experience is less important than smarts. A philosophical commitment to liberty is essential. Given that we’re a daily show, speed is important.

Maybe the most important quality is a rejection of the consensus media groupthink that dominates Canadian journalism today.

I’m looking for help in different areas. Research is the most important. Web/Facebook/YouTube skills are another area. Being in Toronto would be a definite plus of course, but it’s not essential.


See? Told ya…

Today’s free market is moving too fast to be taught by a guy whose knowledge base is twenty years old. If a kid wants a job, he should skip college and become an intern. I’ve been hiring people for fifteen years, and I’d say 95% of them were interns first.

Teachers are teaching because they can’t “do.” If you want to “do,” why listen to someone else tell you what it’s like? Just do it.