5 Feet of Fury

Denmark’s disgrace: on trial for ‘racism’

Lars Hedegaard prosecution sparks outrage, support, including this powerful letter:

“My father, Siamak Pourzand, is a celebrated Iranian journalist and a political prisoner inside Iran.  Since 2001, when he was 72, he has been tortured in the prisons in Iran just because he dared to speak out against a regime that has no intention of doing anything but bringing the world under it’s rule.

Every single one of you westerners who think that by being ‘nice’ and observing the demands of the Islamo-Imperialists and inquisionists, you are in for the nightmare surprise of a lifetime. ..IF you survive it even. If you think that these sociopaths are willing to do less to you than they do to their own people, well, then just wait.”