5 Feet of Fury

Also?! ‘Palin’ spells ‘pain’ if you take out the ‘L’! (UPDATE: Kinky Friedman’s ‘Ballad of Charles Whitman’)

Michael Coren nicely summarizes the week in twisted stupidity:

After a leading politician had her office door smashed in, she responded to the anonymous vandal by boasting, “I have a Glock 9-mm and I’m a pretty good shot.” Which was irresponsible and dangerous hate talk and likely to lead to tragedy.

The politician was Gabrielle Giffords…

Meanwhile, a new lowobscure columnist lumps Ezra Levant in with a mass murderer… because Levant called someone “disgusting” once…

Levant’s reply (rtwt):

Obama himself says things like, “we’re going to punish our enemies” when talking about Republicans. He talks about “hand-to-hand combat” and finding “an ass to kick.” “Get in their face.”

That skinny loser can’t even throw a baseball. He has never done anything close to hand-to-hand combat.

I don’t think Obama should be banned from using braggadocio like a second-rate rapper. Because I believe in freedom of speech.

Too bad the Democrats don’t — and neither do their media friends, including in the smug opinion pages of the Edmonton Journal.

Again with the faulty extremist” calculus:

How is Ezra Levant — a bestselling author whose speaking engagements quickly sell out, and has his own TV show debuting this spring — a “fringe” element?

Isn’t that a more accurate description of the columnist slandering him (who I’d never heard of before today?)

(Although if I were Ezra, my next book would feature the blurb: “A walking grenade with the pin out…”)

UPDATE from The Phantom, musing on the lefty Canadian female who sniffed, “…if I lived in Arizona, my patio would be underground.”

In Arizona, several unarmed bystanders attacked Loughner bare handed, while he was still shooting, and managed to subdue him. In Arizona, several people with guns on their belts, private citizens all, ran -toward- the sound of gunfire and arrived in time to help subdue Loughner.

In Canada, an entire bus full of people ran away from one man with a knife. Just a knife mind you. They [and the police] let him stab Tim McLean to death. Many, many stab wounds reportedly. They let him cut off McLean’s head. And eat it. For hours.

RELATED — while dozens of able-bodied young “Canadian” men obediently left their female schoolmates to their fate, here’s what happened at another “school shooting”:

By now word of what was happening had spread, and police began returning fire toward the Tower, trying to pick off Charlie as he rose up over the parapet to take aim. Citizens went home and got their own guns, and hundreds of shots chipped away at the Tower in the next hour.

As more victims fell, police officers made their various ways to the Tower. Austin Police Officers Jerry Day, Houston McCoy, and Ramiro Martinez, Department of Public Safety Officer W.A. Cowan, civilian Allen Crum and others converged on the 27th floor. They cleared the floor and brought down Mary and Mike Gabour, who had lain critically wounded in a deep pool of blood for over an hour. Martinez and Crum moved carefully up the steps and into the reception area. McCoy and Day soon followed. There was no definite plan of action; each man had to improvise as the situation developed…

PLUS — who can forget…?

…on the one hand, the brave men of the New York Fire Department pounding up the stairwell of the World Trade Center to save innocent victims from the inferno; on the other, the brave men of the Commission for the Propagation of Virtue and Prevention of Vice forcing innocents back into the inferno in order to protect their “honour.” The incident seemed to distill something profound about two cultures, and serve as an implicit rebuke to Edward Said’s insistence that each was too “intertwined” with the other to be able to “draw the line”: the respective authorities’ response to fire evacuation seemed a pretty clear line.

Final question:

Who did those “men” in Montreal most resemble?

Americans or Taliban?