5 Feet of Fury

Next time, we pick our own cotton (and mow our own lawns)

Note that the words “black” and/or “African American” appear nowhere in this widely discussed RealClearPolitics essay about gun crime in America.

(Although the author does tentatively stick in the word “homogeneous” when comparing the U.S. to Switzerland.)

The essay focuses on “the American berserk” — the infamous spree killer type.

As liberals (especially black liberals) like to crow, these individuals tend to be white (and when they aren’t white — such as in the DC Snipers case — “profilers” find themselves at a loss…)

However: as defined by the FBI, there have been only about 100 (overwhelmingly white) “serial killers” in the last hundred years or so, going back to Jack the Ripper.

Here’s an imaginary and laughable “statistic” to make a point: that’s one Jeffrey Dahmer for every year of the 20th century.

Compare that to mundane gun violence in the U.S. that really impacts ordinary people and doesn’t make it into history books or Hollywood movies.

(Or — just watch for it — a book by David Paul Kuhn released later this year called American Berserk…)

Here’s a classic post by Colby Cosh, in which, while debating a Canadian “conservative” about “those Americans and all their guns,” he states the embarrassingly obvious:

The answer is that if you account for one obvious cultural difference–the larger black population in the United States–the United States of America’s murder rate is pretty much the same as ours, despite the huge disparity in handgun ownership.

Black Americans are 13% of the U.S. population and commit over half of America’s homicides.