5 Feet of Fury

If we tone down our ****ing rhetoric, the terrorists have won!

Aardvarks & Asshats:

I will not back down in my views. And I will not yield the rhetorical floor to those who would rather see my views and my family destroyed in favor of their dreams. So fuck you, lefties. Fuck your civility. Fuck your lame-ass faux outrage. Fuck your sick glee over the deaths of innocent people. And fuck you because you proved once and for all that you are subhuman fuckwastoids from the fuckshuttle of low orbit freefucking with your actions this weekend.

So fuck you, lefties. I am through dealing with you after this weekend. Go to hell, and get kamikazefucked with a stunt midget’s fuckhelmet for exposing who you really are and booting your fucking asses out in 2013.

