5 Feet of Fury

‘Anti-racism’ is the new fascism: masked Toronto thugs harass Jews; one cop injured

That’s what happened at the JDL rally for the pro-Israel EDL last night.

We were in the Zionist Center, hearing from pro-Israel EDL leader Tommy Robinson via webcam, while members of an “anti-racist” group clashed with mounted cops outside, blocked of a residential street, and shouted “go to hell.”

In other words:

A gang of masked, menacing ideologues swarmed outside an explicitly Jewish building while Jews gathered in the basement.

Which doesn’t conjure up any, you know, troubling images or anything…

Especially for Bernie Farber of the Canadian Jewish Congress, who’d warned the JDL against siding with the EDL.

Bernie Farber thinks the EDL are bad. Last night’s “anti-racists,” who yelled curses at Jews in public, and attacked cops, think the EDL are bad, too.

Some of those signatory anti-racists include the Canadian Arab Federation (whose vice-president assaulted my husband, on video) and Palestine House (whose supporters we have on film yelling, “You need another Holocaust!”) You know: the usual gang of idiots.

Weird, huh?

“Mommy, what’s a ‘kapo’?”

At least the “anti-racist” fascists had the guts to take to the streets last night, in the cold and the dark, with snow on the way, to face off against a) strapping, badass JDL guys and b) cops.

It’s SO much easier if you’re the leader of the Canadian Jewish Congress. Then you get to “fight” the supposedly sinister EDL, who are such a looming “threat” to Western civilization, by… getting quoted in the newspaper while sitting in your warm, comfy office! Wow, that is SO frickin’ ballsy!


Now if I said to Bernie Farber, “You know, Bernie, not ALL Germans were Nazis…”, I can imagine his response, can’t you?

Well, guess what? That is my exact same response to, “Not ALL Muslims are terrorists”!

See how simple it is when you take off your broken, outdated Received Liberal Wisdom Decoder Ring, stop thinking in terms of “left” and “right”, and face the facts on the ground?

I said “simple,” not “easy.”

“Easy” gets you an Order of Canada, a secure place in the Establishment and a cushy job for life with plenty of perks.

“Simple” gets me denounced as a “racist” by the “Easys,” like you.

I still prefer being a “Simple,” thanks.