5 Feet of Fury

Adam Carolla experiences firsthand the awesome majestic genius that is… The Book Publicity Department

Anyone who has worked for a publishing company/been an author (or in my case, both) will relate:

Before the news, Adam wants to thank everybody for helping to move his book In Fifty Years We’ll All Be Chicks: . . . And Other Complaints from an Angry Middle-Aged White Guy up a few notches on the NY Times Bestseller List. He talks a bit more about the difficulty of the book biz, but mostly attributes it to dumb people.

He wonders why he’s the only one who thought to put a Bestseller sticker on the cover.

Except, er, that summary above is a VERY polite version of Carolla’s real reaction. (Language warning.)

PS: in that entertaining FREE podcast, Adam Carolla also shatters stereotypes by turning out to be the only dago guido Italian Gen-Xer who liked Elvis Costello and Joe Jackson in high school.

PPS: although weirdly, for a 47-year-old man with two kids, Carolla expresses surprise and disgust upon learning that sometimes tampon strings wick blood and turn red. His all-male crew is pretty amazed/shocked, too.