5 Feet of Fury

No, no, no! John Bolton for ‘President.’ Stephen Harper for ‘His Best Friend.’

Robert Spencer approves!

There is one law for all Canadians, and no religious group should expect special treatment when it comes to enforcement of the law, Prime Minister Stephen Harper said Thursday.

The remarks were made in response to reports that RCMP officers had apologized for arresting Muslims on terrorism-related charges during the Islamic holy month of Ramadan.

In other Mountie news, another one for our bulging “Tasty Samosas!!” file:

RCMP “Diversity Tuber Cpl Russett Potato Head” of Ramadan Arrest Raincheck fame recently invited the ‘hood to a potluck dinner, asking readers of the Muslimlink.ca to bring a dish and press the flesh. (…)

Isn’t that Potluck thing all Multiculty Nice? What kind of magazine is Muslimlink? It’s the sort of magazine that publishes Islamist filth such as this celebratory article on the release of Terror Imam “I Pray that Allah Destroys America” Anwar al-Awlaki , “Imprisoned Scholar Finally Set Free”.


Thanks RCMP, I feel so much safer….