5 Feet of Fury

‘Red State’: Kevin Smith’s new move ‘examines’ ‘religious extremists.’ Guess which ones?

My new post at David Horowitz’s NewsReal blog:

I hate Kevin Smith. His slovenly appearance and (somewhat baffling) modicum of success have made him dearly beloved by that most misbegotten of cultural mutants: the loser hipster nerd.

Unless you’ve never seen a film made before the year you were born, it’s obvious his movies are crap. Clerks? Why would anyone spend ninety minutes with two stoned, incompetent name-taggers, when perfectly good copies of The Fountainhead are available on DVD?

And I, too, once had an idea for a “controversial” movie “satire” about stoopid ol’ “organized religion” that was a lot like Dogma; alas, I couldn’t get funding for it because I was only 14.

I forget what his other movies are right now, but I don’t like them either.

Now Kevin Smith has a new movie debuting at Sundance early next year. It’s his first horror movie, and it’s about vicious religious extremists running amok in America.

Amazingly, the religious extremists AREN’T Muslims…

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