5 Feet of Fury

Aaron Zelman, of Jews for the Preservation of Firearms, dies at age 64

If Jewish leaders would shift some of their focus from “Holocaust denial” and even “Holocaust commemoration” to “Holocaust prevention,” we’d all be better off…

I heard about this first thing this morning from David Codrea of the invaluable Gun Rights Examiner site.

Here’s a longer tribute from AmmoLand.com:

Aaron had a take no prisoners way of thinking and challenged everyone from the NRA, to Washington bureaucrats to Ted Nugent in the name of the second amendment.

Founded by Jews and initially aimed at educating the Jewish community about the historical evils that Jews have suffered when they have been disarmed, JPFO has always welcomed persons of all religious beliefs who share a common goal of opposing and reversing victim disarmament policies while advancing liberty for all.

More here.