5 Feet of Fury

Letting Muslims immigrate to the West is like hiding Nazis in your attic during World War II

UPDATE: announcing the “Evils of Islam” poster contest.

PLUS: Anyone else notice all the six-pointed snowflakes?”


Please set aside 2 hours of your time over Christmas (perhaps when you’re trying to hide from your family) to watch/read this exceptional debate with Robert Spencer called “Is the Only Good Muslim a Bad Muslim?”

Besides being the most civilized, learned and amusing conversation you’ve ever read on the subject of what Islam actually teaches, you’ll have plenty of ammo for those who say, “But after all, Muslims ARE very pious and they hate tatty Western pop culture — we could use a little of that ourselves…”

Choice excerpts:

I’m seeing a parallel with the Sufis and their piety–which you were lauding them for–and the Pharisees and their piety, which was really ‘dirty rags’ because the inside was corrupt. So that’s what I put to you is the Sufis’ piety. (…)

That the American pop culture going into the Islamic world made these straitlaced moral people rise up and strike back against us.

That of course completely ignores, and I don’t think Dinesh is even aware, of the fact that they were fighting jihads against us before pop culture was immoral. As a matter of fact it’s noteworthy, Sayyid Qutb, one of the key theorists of the Muslim Brotherhood, came to the United States in 1948 and spent two years here in Colorado. And he wrote about his experiences in America and how they hardened his understanding that America had to be destroyed and it was this deeply immoral principality.

And in 1948, Doris Day was on top of the pop charts.

The idea that that kind of thing was immoral actually betrays the fact that if you look back even in Crusader literature you find that the Islamic world generally always thinks of the Christian world as immoral.

And the immorality is ultimately beside the point, because as I said before, the teachings of Islam say, “Fight the Jews and Christians.” It doesn’t say, “Leave the moral ones alone and only fight the immoral ones.” It says, “Fight the Jews and Christians.”