5 Feet of Fury

Glenn Beck’s ‘Broke’: a reluctant reporter goes to see the ‘movie’ of the book

Hartford Advocate:

In fact, “Broke” (the book event) was being broadcast not only in Branford’s movie theater, but in 536 more around the country — and for $20 a ticket. Encore shows are being screened this week.

Those aren’t author numbers. Those are Bon Jovi numbers, Celine Dion numbers, Metropolitan Opera numbers — all of whom have done successful simulcasts of their concerts.

Hell, those are Rolling Stones numbers.


Journalists — our moral and intellectual superiors…

This guy, who actually gets paid to write a column about — get this — political books for the Washington Post, thinks Glenn Beck is a birther.

He isn’t. Quite the opposite: Beck makes fun of them on his show all the time.

I also don’t remember Beck using the term “surrender monkeys;” that’s Jonah Goldberg’s line.

But why let the facts get in the way of a sophomoric, unfunny joke about, er, somebody else’s undistinguished coffee table?

The “reporter” also hints that Beck is struggling financially even though a) Beck makes tens of millions of dollars a year and b) in the next graph, the reporter admits that Beck is giving all the auction money to charity.