5 Feet of Fury

LifeSiteNews asks for your help to keep investigating and reporting pro-life news

Via email today:

…It may seem odd that we are issuing an appeal like this right after having launched the beautiful new LifeSiteNews website with its many associated huge functional improvements, which cost quite a bit to develop.

But as we explained in the launch video for the new site, a full two-thirds of the cost of developing the site was paid for by a single generous donor who donated the money specifically for that purpose.

The new website is THE most exciting thing that has happened to LifeSiteNews since it began in 1997. It would be very disappointing if at this crucial juncture, when we have just taken ten steps forward technologically, when we are poised for enormous growth and to be able to exert significantly more influence for the good, to have to cut back our mission, and the very thing for which we are best known – professional, non-compromising, and truthful pro-life and pro-family news reporting.

LifeSiteNews provides a very different perspective from the giant mainstream networks.

We simply cannot let them win…

(US and international donors use a separate, equally secure online form.)