5 Feet of Fury

Newspaper that brought down a President now afraid of emails

Via email from the Media Research Center:

From the Desk of:
David Martin, Executive Vice President


A day after launching an aggressive email campaign protesting The Washington Post’s support of the Smithsonian’s “Hide/Seek” exhibit, we were contacted by Post officials demanding that we stop flooding their offices with emails.


Brent wasted little time exposing the true nature of this “homoerotic” display, urging CNN host John King to put the display on national television without blurring any part of it. King flatly refused, saying it would be “objectionable to some people, and I can’t control children, including my own from being in a room and they should not see it.”

Brent then astutely reminded the host that on November 21, the National Portrait Gallery hosted a “Hide/Seek Family and Friends Day” that included “music and hands-on arts activities inspired by the exhibition!”