5 Feet of Fury

So nice to see David Frum found someone to marry as irritating as he is

You just know their kids wear helmets in the bathtub:

“But the spiraling obesity rates Palin mocks are increasingly having an impact on health care costs, which in turn affects the way we must approach and debate reforms to the health care system. Those least able to afford health care disproportionately need it in large part because of the unhealthy food they eatand that is served to their children in government-run schools. We’ve arrived at a point where inner-city children can’t identify common fresh vegetables and fruits, such as cauliflower, tomatoes, and potatoes.

“Perhaps you regard it as an intolerable violation of personal liberty for government to campaign for nutritional awareness? What then do we call the federal agricultural subsidies that have helped to lower the price of super-abundant junk food? Can you explain why it’s okay for government to campaign against smoking and in favor of seatbelts? Or do you also oppose those life-saving public safety campaigns? 

Actually you upper class twit, real conservatives don’t think any of that stuff is “OK” and do oppose them.

And poor people should feed their own damn kids.

Her concerns are so mumsy, so Lady Bountiful, so… WASP-y. Is it possible that marrying a shiksa is what really turned Frum into a big government, Rockefeller Republican?

UPDATE — a must-read:

Stanley Kurtz calls David Frum a “free speech policeman” and mocks his latest latest project:

No Labels aims to “expand the space” of public debate in America by reducing the fear of “social or political retribution.” But this expansion is, by the two men’s own account, really a contraction. That is, Galston and Frum intend to moderate public debate by “establishing lines that no one should cross,” as they put it.  (…)

On July 27, 2010, I announced the forthcoming publication of my book [Radical-in-Chief: Barack Obama and the Untold Story of American Socialism] at National Review Online’s blog, the Corner. The announcement made it clear that my book was the result of more than two years of empirical and historical research into Barack Obama’s political past, and would marshal “a wide array of never-before-seen evidence to establish that the president of the United States is indeed a socialist.”

Frum, however, didn’t wait to consider my evidence or argument, or even bother to read my book.

Instead, he invited a self-described Democratic activist who writes under the pseudonym “Eugene Victor Debs” to attack the very idea of my book — before either had read it. (…)

Galston and Frum don’t actually mean “no labels.” What they really mean is, “no labels of which we disapprove.” Their new group might more aptly be named “Shut Up.”  (…)

Furthermore, the equivalence Galston and Frum draw between accusations of racism and socialism is deceptive. Few, if any, people call themselves racists.

On the other hand, a sitting U.S. senator, Bernie Sanders, and a prominent Washington Post columnist, Harold Meyerson, proudly call themselves socialists. (…)

Two and a half years of research into Obama’s past has left me with a healthy respect for the many Americans who concluded long ago that Obama was a socialist. No doubt some of these folks are intemperate and open to criticism. But I’m struck by how the critics were largely right — and for the right reasons, too. 
