5 Feet of Fury

Ann Coulter takes up the ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ angle on Wikileaks

I blogged about it yesterday.

It’s also in Ann Coulter’s new column:

I’m not a military man, but I think singing along to Lady Gaga would constitute “telling” under “don’t ask, don’t tell.”

What constitutes being “openly” gay now? Bringing a spice rack to basic training? Attending morning drills decked out as a Cher impersonator? Following Anderson Cooper on Twitter? 


Shirley is a lesbian in her 50s, with sassy red hair (…)

I never in my life would have guessed she was a Republican.

But, she and her partner are.

She and her circle of friends are.

Because Democrats have never done a damn thing that benefits their lives, and they know this.

But, Shirley keeps quiet because she doesn’t want to be made a pariah in Boystown for being Republican…

In addition to Shirley, in the past week I’ve had everyone from bartenders to go-go boys to random patrons in the bars on Halsted come up to me and tell me that they feel the exact same way about the Democrat party and the fraud it commits.

BONUS video via DittosRush.com: