5 Feet of Fury

‘In Canada, the criminalization of speech’

Mark Hemingway writes in the Washington Examiner:

But it has become clear in the past few years that democracy in Canada is seriously threatened, and it’s time Americans spoke up.

We had better, because Canadians can’t.

On Nov. 20, Canadian journalist Ezra Levant was ordered by an Ottawa judge to pay $25,000 for libeling Giacomo Vigna, a Canadian Human Rights Commission lawyer. According to the judge, Levant “spoke in reckless disregard of the truth and for an ulterior purpose of denormalizing the Human Rights Commission across Canada.”

Despite the judge’s ruling, not only is Levant right to “denormalize” these commissions — they should be immediately abolished.

UPDATE: Scaramouche writes…

Want to get up to speed on the quasi-totalitarian bodies which enforce societal virtue in Canada (a.k.a. our “human rights” commissions/ tribunals)? Well, you could read this–part 1 of a 12 (yes, a 12)-part series in Troy Media. But I warn you–it’s devoid of irony and wit and is thus a pretty tough slog.

If you really want a grounding, fast, in the ins and outs of the virtue apparatus, the Kathy Shaidle/Pete Vere exposé is a much better read.