5 Feet of Fury

Remember the good old days, when we used to just kill people?

I contemplate giving that title to about half the posts on this blog, then chicken out.

This time, however, it’s perfect.

Ezra Levant writes:

Why isn’t Julian Assange dead yet? (…)

His obsession is to embarrass the world’s freest countries — the U.S. and U.K. And as to repressive regimes, well, put it this way, Assange says U.S. forces must remember “shooting the Taliban is shooting the Afghan people.”

He’s not anti-war. He’s on the other side.

Assange published the names of Afghan human rights activists and others who have co-operated with the U.S. — giving out names of villages and GPS coordinates.

That’s not journalism. That’s not whistleblowing. That’s setting up “deadly revenge attacks,” says Reporters Without Borders.