5 Feet of Fury

‘But I’m starting to believe the detractors are wrong…’

Hey, I can top that:

I’ve believed that Professional Journalists(tm) like Howard Kurtz have been wrong for years now!

He writes:

David Frum, the conservative commentator and a harsh Palin critic, tips his hat. “The language of politics is very formal, very stilted, and to most people very artificial and remote,” he says. “Palin speaks in a completely different way. Palin’s said 100 things that would have ruined someone else, and she’s still popular and thriving. These media ventures enable her to connect with people while allowing her to avoid answering questions that might embarrass her with more traditional gatekeepers.”   

The rest explains (again) why I don’t give a shit that That Poofty Old Closet Case I Thought Was Dead Already over at the Globe & Mail wanted to write a smear piece about me. Watch and learn:

But let’s give the last words to David Frum, who obviously forgot to recharge his Irony Machine last night:

“Her message is that all the people who think they’re so smart aren’t really so smart. That’s a message that resonates.”