5 Feet of Fury

‘How the term ‘Islamophobia’ got shoved down your throat’

Claire Berlinski writes:

Now here’s a point you might deeply consider: The neologism “Islamophobia” did not simply emerge ex nihilo. It was invented, deliberately, by a Muslim Brotherhood front organization, the International Institute for Islamic Thought, which is based in Northern Virginia. (…)

Really imagine that scene: a bunch of Islamists admiring how astutely the queers — people who in their ideal world would be served with the lash or hanged — had portrayed their critics as mentally disturbed. Brilliant. Let’s take a leaf from them and then kill them.

The association of anti-Islamism — the noblest form of liberal anti-totalitarianism — with gay-bashing rednecks in the grip of a psychosexual panic was not just one of those linguistic accidents of history, in other words.

These guys were sitting there in Virginia and really thinking about the best way to exploit the weaknesses of the Western psyche.

They came up with this word…