5 Feet of Fury

Dear men: PLEASE get your acts together. Thanx. (NSFW)

Men don’t value Beauty alone. They also value Variety.

That’s what many women don’t understand: how men with Beauty at home will still pay for Variety — even Ugly Variety (see: Grant, Hugh.)

So prostitution and extra-marital affairs will be with us from now until doomsday.

Now, I’m old enough to remember when men said they hired prostitutes because their wives refused to perform oral sex. Online porn helped mainstream fellatio in the 1980s; that, and Bill Clinton, have made it pretty much manditory now.


Then men said they hired prostitutes for anal sex. Again, pornography has begun mainstreaming buttsecks, too. Expect to see lots more references to it in Hollywood comedies, and not just in connection to “prison rape.”


So I pick up the latest Toronto Life. The cover story is “The Secret Life of a Bay Street Hooker.” Here’s an excerpt:

“There are some things most men want, she explains, but aren’t comfortable asking of their partners. Asked to elaborate, she looks coy, then lowers her voice and tells me she does ‘a lot of anal work’ with her clients. This is an erogenous zone most women overlook in men, she says: “I have a little strap-on I sometimes like to put on, and they’re totally into it. I’ve only had one client turn me down.'”


Dear men:

Guess what?

**** OFF AND DIE!!

UPDATE: Andrea Harris writes…

It used to be in Western Civilization (remember that? it made the manufacture of rubber gloves and dildos possible, along with that video camera on which you filmed your thirty second session with the hooker that your now-ex found and uploaded to Youtube) that one of the things required of a man for him to be considered “civilized” was for him to control his sexual proclivities. 

True. However, “control” was often synonymous with “hiring a prostitute and not pushing them on your poor wife.” That was the “civilized” part.

UPDATE: a male reader reminds me…

“Men don’t pay hookers for sex. They pay them to leave.”