5 Feet of Fury

‘Maybe Brandy could cover herself with poop and claim she was attacked by Levi Johnston…’

What this guy said — “eleventy million”!

You know there is something here. What sharpton is hearing is known as fear. To them Bristol winning means that reality as opposed to PR is slapping them upside the head. they ar eunderstanding I think for the first time that there are many many people that do not think like they do. In fact a Bristol win shows them that they might be in the minority of thought in the USa and it scares them.

I doubt the Bristol entranc einto the DWTS wa san attempt to engage in pop culture or anything but it does show how completely the left has been able to set the narrative in that pop culture and a intense need for conservatives to take back that pop culture.

Culture matters. Electoral politics is a scam; we need to change the culture. This comment reflects my thinking on the real DWTS “subtext”. Or maybe DWTS is the “subtext” to the real story, which is that through the internet and other media, liberals are finally learning that NOT EVERYBODY THINKS LIKE THEM.

For instance, observe this clumsy, tone deaf reaction to the cover of Glenn Beck’s forthcoming book.

If you read this blog regularly, you looked at that book cover and thought “that’s Glenn Beck laughing with his son, and the guy in the back is the co-author.”

If you’re a leftist, you see — gay child molesters. 

Is that because, subconsciously, liberals know there are lots of gay child molesters (see: the Catholic Church…) and are simply articulating this forbidden “rightwing” notion in a socially acceptable way?

Are liberals so wounded by their own families, so brainwashed by the pedophilia moral panic and so seeped in victimology self-help and ficitonal “memoirs” that they see molestation everywhere? (I met so many people like this in AA during the 1990s, it isn’t funny. But I figured that worldview had died down, if not out…)

There are two Americas.

Luckily, the good one is heavily armed.