5 Feet of Fury

Hot gay-on-gay, er, fight about ‘retard baby’ Trig Palin

Life in Boystown, courtesy of HillBuzz:

So, I got up and walked across to the douche’s table. I startled him. I asked him if he was making fun of a baby with Downs on the phone and I inquired to whom he was speaking.

“Is that your mom? Are you and your mom mocking a baby and talking about how his mother should have aborted him? Are you using the fact she chose to have that little guy as a reason to claim his mother is stupid? Is this what you and your mom are talking about, really?”.

“For your information, this is a private conversation. I was not talking to you. I am talking to my boyfriend”.

“Well, stud, you are having this conversation in public, in my presence, so for your information it became my business when you started making fun of a two year old…”