5 Feet of Fury

‘White flight from MySpace to Facebook’

I’ve blogged before about how black people use Twitter.

Now here’s an academic paper about two other big social media properties, and how the ability to add “bling” to your MySpace supposedly made it a favorite with blacks.

(Without even reading the paper, I’m pretty sure one other reason is that MySpace makes it far, far easier to integrate music with your page. I don’t even know if such a thing is possible with Facebook. Cuz, well, I’m a square boring old white person.)

This white teen’s comments about how MySpace’s gave some “users the freedom to annoy as they pleased” may bring a wry smile (or something) to the face of any white person who’s tried to enjoy a movie at an “urban” movie theatre in the last 10 years…

As Sailer points out, papers like this one demonstrate the universal truth that everyone is fascinated by race — white liberals simply feel obliged to disguise their fascination behind elaborately constructed if unsound theories.