5 Feet of Fury

Brilliant: Jewish bigshots discuss plans to battle anti-semitism — at top secret meeting!

Tuesday night UPDATE:

Jezuzinarainhat, are you people insane?!

“The Protocols of the Elders of… Ottawa”?

Dear Jews:

Please hire this shiksa to do your P.R.

Will work for mink coats…

Jews invented Hollywood, but I’m pretty sure WASPs invented public relations…

Exhibit #4,722!

(Guys: marrying all those shiksas has lowered your kids’ IQs. I know they’re cute and, er, do stuff, but holy crap, get it together.)

No wonder they wanted to keep the meeting hush hush — here’s the takeaway:

“The election of right-wing governments in Europe and escalating incidents of anti-Semitism and hate is particularly worrying, as part of a trend that appears to be getting stronger.”  

Yep, it’s those crazy “right wing” “Christian” “skinheads” you’ve really got to worry about.

Any second now, they might come to life, jump out of that old Cracker boxed set and come and git ya!

Hilariously RELATED:

“Gypsy’s rights” campaigner jailed for million dollar scam


For an Anti-Semitism conference to resort to “Chatham House rules”–to even mention that loathsome enterprise as it goes about its business–is about as inappropriate as it gets.