5 Feet of Fury

If ‘white privilege’ was real…

We’d have killed you by now.

“Anti-racism” is the new fascism.

But then, you knew that already…

PS: nice kafiya, sweetheart.

How much of my extorted “white” tax dollars are paying for this crap?


Naturally, we’re informed about this:

“A white person looking for an apartment to rent does not face similar challenges that an aboriginal person does,” said councillor Amarjeet Sohi, explaining what is meant by the phrase white privilege.

Now you know, I was going to say something in this post about the (white) acquaintance who was refused an apartment because the Indian-born landlord “didn’t like the smell of (non-Indian) cooking”, but, hey, that’s just a personal anecdote…

Instead, here’s something from that notoriously racist newspaper, the Toronto Star:

A Markham couple downsizing for retirement got a rude lesson recently in Chinese numerology.

Graham and Lucie Canning moved into a neighbourhood near Highway 7 and Woodbine Ave. in 1984, when it was “pretty much an Anglo community,” Graham Canning says.

Over the years Chinese restaurants opened, Cantonese lettering appeared on local business signs and the neighbourhood’s ethnic composition shifted to favour people of Hong Kong origin.

Such changes suited the Cannings, who continued to live happily in the area, where they raised a son and daughter. But when they recently prepared their house for sale, a real estate agent delivered a surprise.

In Cantonese, the word “four” is a homonym for “death” — different meanings, same sound — and the Cannings live at No. 4.

“Tetraphobia,” fear of 4, entered their vocabulary.

Having a 4 in the address can lower a home’s value — “Agents estimate anywhere between $25,000 and $35,000,” Graham Canning says.

For years, I’ve been pointing out on this blog that Asian immigrants bring to Canada, along with their undeniable good points, a number of potentially bad ones: a passion for gambling; an apparent indifference to the germ theory of disease; those broken crates of bok choy all over Spandia Avenue — and irrational numerical superstitions.

Of course, when I write about these things early on, I’m a racist.

When the Star writes about them years later, it’s “news.”

Somebody gets paid.

And I get sued.

UPDATE on “white privilege” (or is it “self-loathing”?) from Sailer:

Something this lucid seem hardly like an idiosyncratic effusion. Instead, it’s the product of a clear worldview. I don’t think most of Tim’s political allies have thought this through as fully as he has, but I think the emotions and basic logic are, indeed, widespread.
We’ve heard endlessly about Republican anger and hatred, but Freud’s concept of “projection” remains a highly useful one to keep in mind…