5 Feet of Fury

White Poppy Campaign plans to desecrate Canada’s War Memorial on Remembrance Day

Xan reports:

I, for one, will take the advice of a caller to the Lowell Green show on CFRA today.  I will come to the War Memorial, this Remembrance Day, and stay until 12:30. 

When these people attempt to desecrate the memories of all those who sacrificed of themselves so that we may live, I will stand in their way.  Peacefully, but firmly (and not necessarily quietly…).

Hopefully, enough of us will come to form a protective wall.

If these ‘White Poppy Coalition’ people truly believe in the principles of non-violence, they will not attempt to use force against us:  either the force of their own hands or the force in the form of civil authorities.

The Veterans have done for us.

Now, it is time for us to do for them!