5 Feet of Fury

Last night’s gala tribute to Ezra Levant in Ottawa, with keynote speaker Mark Steyn

Yes, I look like a post-stroke Hillary Clinton, but that’s life! A sold out ballroom provided a fine setting for the Canadian Centre for Policy Studies’ tribute to Ezra Levant.

Mark Steyn delivered the stirring keynote address (which included a nice shoutout to my blogger/hubby, who (along with maybe a third of the people in the ballroom) is being sued by a former Canadian Human Rights Commission employee for linking to Mark Steyn’s website.

I got to meet up with lots of old friends, as well as plenty of email correspondents and blog readers I’d never met before.

An amazing evening! (Arnie has more photos up at his blog, most of which don’t feature me caught yammering instead of smiling.)

If you’re going to Steyn’s talk in London, Ontario tomorrow (Monday the 1st), come up and say hi.

From what I’ve heard, some people are coming from the U.S. just to see Steyn.

And of course, we expect some local goons — probably a crowd of local Muslims and their young leftist handmaidens — will be in attendance.

All in all, it will be an amazing evening.

PS: here’s Steyn on CBC Newsworld Friday night, talking about Conrad Black’s recent legal wins: