5 Feet of Fury

FREE Twitter app made by, and for, libertarians — for the November election

Only a few days left, America!

If you’re still not sure who to vote for (or have undecided family and friends), check out LibertySlate 2010:

“LibertySlate 2010 is an online resource to direct grassroots Tea Party activists, constitutionalists, libertarians, and conservatives to Republican candidates for Congress in 2010.

“The candidates we promote and rank share our dedication to the Constitutional principles of limited government, individual liberty, and personal responsibility.”

One way to spread the word about LibertySlate is to use the FREE Twitter app designed just for them, called “Twitter4Liberty.”

Designed by the libertarians behind my favorite Twitter software (MarketMeSuite), “Twitter4Liberty” launches a little pop-up window you can use to send out tweets, instead of using the Twitter homepage or your normal Twitter client like TweetDeck or HootSuite.

When you use this window to tweet, your message is “branded” with a link to LibertySlate2010.

(Try it and see: after you send out your tweet through “Twitter4Liberty”, look at the message as it appears on, say, TweetDeck or the old version of Twitter. You’ll see the clickable link with the words “LibertySlate 2010,” next to the “via” line at the bottom of your message.)

So what does that accomplish?

Well, anyone who clicks on that hyperlinked “via” line (and people do, believe me) is taken to the LibertySlate site, where they can find out about all the candidates running in November.

Consider using the “Twitter4Liberty” app when you tweet about election related issues and information.

The little window justs sit open on your screen to use whenever you want. It doesn’t interfere with your other Twitter clients and apps, and I can vouch for the fact that it is perfectly safe and easy to download and use. After the election, you can just delete it.

Read more about “Twitter4Liberty” here.