5 Feet of Fury

Juan Williams expresses (literal) ‘Islamophobia,’ declared non-person by state run media


Juan Williams fired from (taxpayer sponsored) NPR [contact info here] for the crime of talking like a normal human being.

Ed Driscoll has by far the best round of this unadulterated disgrace. (You knew there had to be a George Soros connection. And you were right.)

The rightwing blogosphere is NOT amused, to put it mildly. Williams is generally respected on the right as a mostly non-crazy liberal, the kind who you think: “At least there’s hope for this guy.”

So there’s a palpable visceral reaction in the air, and it will simply intensify as the day goes on and talk radio picks it up.


Huckabee wants NPR’s funding cut over this, and Bernie Goldberg calls this part of the “death of liberalism”

UPDATE — Laura Ingraham comments:
