A Toronto police officer whose stiff upper lip made him an inadvertent YouTube sensation and a symbol of police heavy-handedness at the G20 protests has launched a $1.2-million defamation lawsuit against the website.
Constable Adam Josephs was nicknamed “Officer Bubbles” after a video surfaced of him online admonishing a young protester during the summit for blowing bubbles.
At least according to my information, YouTube has handed over information about people who have commented on the videos, and at least one individual has been served.
Again: this is why we need an alternative to YouTube/Google etc.
We do NOT need yet another website where we all bitch and moan (I’m looking at you Andrew Breitbart and Glenn Beck.)
We need you rich guys to create these new media alternatives, and make them as lawfare proof and censorship proof as possible.
Hundert will be appealing these addition bail conditions, which include 1: non-association with individuals such as Harsha Wallia and Dan Keller and groups such as AW@L and No One Is Illegal; 2: no planning and or participating/planning public meetings or marches and 3: no expressing political views in public, including in the media.
Hundert’s support committee is here
Mark Steyn picks up the story:
(Boy, the size of this guy’s bubbles – Toronto Police Constable Adam Josephs, global laughingstock, evolves into litigious global laughingstock.)
Mike Brock offers his unique perspective:
Constable Adam Josephs of the Toronto Police Services is an asshole. Not just any asshole. But a special kind of asshole. The kind of asshole who acts like a total asshole, then asserts his right to be an asshole without actually being ridiculed for being an asshole.
Here’s the police officer’s Facebook page, where he lists his employment as “collecting Human Garbage” for the City of Toronto: