5 Feet of Fury

Kent State: ‘Not a massacre, but a mistake’

Shoulda been done long ago…

 The audiotape reveals that shortly before the guardsmen began firing, protesters may have surrounded and threatened the life of a young man named Terry Norman (a Kent State student, like many of the guardsmen) who was taking photographs for law enforcement agencies.

According to Friday’s Cleveland Plain Dealer, the tape captured the command “Retreat!” As the guardsmen moved back up Blanket Hill, pursued by rock-throwing protesters, photographer Norman was left behind – apparently too busy taking pictures to realize the guardsmen were pulling back – and quickly was in the midst of angry protesters.

The tape captures one voice saying: “They got somebody,” and a few seconds later, male voices shout: “Kill him!” Kill him!” There is then the sound of a .38 caliber revolver shot, followed by a female voice: “Whack that [expletive]!” Three more handgun shots ring out at about five-second intervals, and soon thereafter – in just 13 tragic seconds – 29 of the 77 guardsmen fire a total of 67 rifle shots that are to help seal the fate of the non-communist people of Indochina.