5 Feet of Fury

Rob Ford must denounce… my blogger/husband!

Says guy who writes for leftwing porn distribution outlet:

While it may be inappropriate to call Ford a racist or homophobe, it’s not completely true to say Ford’s not xenophobic. Besides the history of unfortunate anti-immigrant comments, check some of the seamier elements supporting him online, like the folks at Blazing Cat Fur. Why hasn’t he disavowed them? 

Ah, yes, that leftist rhetorical favorite:

“Why doesn’t X denounce Y — that person/issue he never heard about until just this second, when I brought it up, and that nobody else cares about either!!!”

Look, I went to high school with a few guys named “Enzo.” So this guy’s byline doesn’t inspire my confidence, m’kay?

Since Enzo is the same NOW magazine writer who famously thought one candidate was gay when he isn’t, his judgement is one skinny leather tie short of a Le Chateau warehouse sale.

Smart like streetcar!

PS: irony watch — note that Enzo curses “McCarthyism” (which he clearly knows nothing about) while calling on (politician) Rob Ford to “disavow” my (politically unacceptable) husband.