5 Feet of Fury

Of all the disturbing things Obama’s said, this one’s the most troubling

Chaney, Goodwin and Schwerner — not dead enough:

The message echoed the one Obama delivered last week at a historically black college in Maryland. “Don’t make me look bad, now,” he said, urging the mostly African-American audience to vote.


“The issue here is that Obama’s popularity among black people was as much a personality cult as it was about the specifics of his political quality,” said John McWhorter, a linguist at the conservative Manhattan Institute. “The task now is to make people understand that it’s equally important for them to come out and vote on behalf of senators and governors…even if they’re not him, even if they’re not black.

And that’s a tough one.”


Why blacks are utterly obsessed with The Civil Rights Movement(tm) but can only be bothered to vote if the candidate is “one of them”?

Maybe we should repeal the 15th Amendment if they aren’t using it much…?