5 Feet of Fury

Evil AmeriKKKa’s legacy of slavery blah blah racist oh wait

Guardian (!):

More black people jailed in England and Wales proportionally than in US

New study finds seven times more black people per population are in prison – in the US number is just four times as many

It’s almost like certain people commit more crimes, regardless of the ancient history of the geographical location they happen to be living in, in the present day.


 I’ve only met  one man in my life who adamantly argued in private conversation that there are no racial differences in crime rates.

An Oregonian, he told me it was racist to assume blacks are more likely to be muggers than whites are.

I proposed to him a thought experiment:

“Say your wife’s car runs out of gas in the middle of the night in a desolate neighborhood. She has no idea which way to walk to find a gas station. However, if she walks one way she has to pass by a half dozen black youths lounging on a corner. If she walks the other way, she would have to pass by a half dozen Indian immigrant youths. Which way would you prefer she went?”

“I would be completely indifferent,” he replied.

“Well, then, for your sake, I’m glad you live in Grant’s Pass.”

“Where I live is irrelevant!” he responded triumphantly. “I’ve already been mugged three times!”