5 Feet of Fury

‘JEW eat? JEW? You get it? JEW eat?’

Rachel Patron writes:

Somehow Rush Limbaugh in his reply to the Indiana woman managed to be both racist and anti-semitic: What he implies is that African Americans in Palm Beach County cannot read because of bad Florida public schools. But they are so good at stabbing…

Needless to point out that these were not the voters who’d won George W. Bush the Presidency. It was a really bad day for old Jews with cataracts.

Uh, OK. Here’s the transcript:

RUSH:  Nothing could have been simpler.  And in this case, the Democrats designed the ballot.  They sent the ballots out to everyone, you’re supposed to look at them.  It’s simple as pie.  These people ended up —

CALLER:  The instructions are printed all the way across the top of the ballot also.

RUSH:  Well, that doesn’t help if people can’t read.  And if they come from the public education system, the odds are the reading skills may be deficient. That’s why they did the butterfly ballot here.  You don’t have to read somebody’s name.  There’s just a hole that you punch.  It’s like something that happens here in Palm Beach County every night, you just stab it.  You know, right where you want to stab it, you stab it there.  You make sure you stab it all the way through. 

And these people in Palm Beach County thinking they were voting for Gore claimed they voted for Pat Buchanan. Now, there’s no way.  Even Buchanan had to come out and say, “Look, I have to tell you, I know who these voters are, and if they’re voting for me I know they don’t mean it.” 

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