5 Feet of Fury

Exactly! Legacy media just doesn’t get it

Dear Globe & Mail, NYT, London Free Press et al:

You are no longer a fearful predator with the power of life and death.

You are now just a bloated, witless and unwitting host organism.

And we are feeding off you

Pamela Geller writes:

Talk about a silver lining. The one good thing about the Times slam is that a lot of new readers see through their bias. Yes, I have been getting the usual rabid leftwing obscene hate emails, etc. *Yawn*

More importantly, I have been receiving letters like the one below. Excellent.

“Dear Ms. Geller,

“One good thing about the NYT article, it led me to your blog.

“As a Jewish guy who lived in Israel for almost 5 years this blog is like the breeze off Lake Michigan in the morning (…) it clears away the fog….”

Etc Etc.


As you read through this, see if you come to the same conclusion I did: The [Guardian] doesn’t have a clue about what’s going on.

They read our blogs and our forums, and they quote our words, but it’s like a deaf person reading a musical score — they have no real sense of what it all means.