5 Feet of Fury

Libertarians ultimately become the thing they claim to hate most: parasites

Like pacifists whose lifestyle is protected by the very armies they loathe, libertarian atheists live off the fumes of Judeo/Christian morality and call it “reason.”

They remind me of teenagers whose parents have gone away for a month. The kid feels “free” but his lifestyle is only possible thanks to the visible and invisible supports put in place by those he dislikes.

And there’s this:

 It may sound very noble to say, “. . . believe what you want to believe – I’m ok with that. After all, I am a Libertarian,” but when enough people believe the wrong things, you will not be OK with it.

You will be living under a regime that enshrines those things in law – you’ll be living in tyranny.

Like it or not, imposing values is what arranging civilization is all about. And like it or not, you’re part of this process. The only difference among any of us is in what and how much we impose – and in that some of us actually understand this is precisely what we’re doing.


Britons are a tolerant bunch, and most probably would not care who watched whom doing what in whatever configuration, as long as they all went somewhere else. Why, Puttenham residents wonder, do they have to do it 400 yards from the village nursery school?”

“We have nothing against gays or whoever it is up there,” said Lydia Paterson, who lives here. “It’s just the principle of, ‘What on earth is going on?’ ”  (…)

“There was a lot of debate over the wording for that sign,” Ms. Paterson said. “I guess they didn’t want to say, ‘Don’t have sex.’ ”