5 Feet of Fury

Just as I predicted: ‘Race relations now worse in US under Obama’

America 2008: “I know, I know: we should’ve picked our own damn cotton, but it’s too late now. So look, if we just stick this guy in the White House for a few years,  everyone will finally shut the hell up about slavery and racism and shit. What’s the worst he could do?”

America 2010: “****.”

My other prediction:

Starting in 2012, and building to a crescendo around 2016-20, the “black community” will start spreading a new conspiracy theory that “whitey” purposely elected unprepared, incompetent Obama so there’d never be another black President again.

Even some conservatives wonder why I listen to Rush Limbaugh. I wonder why you don’t…

To the audio sound bites.  Back in February, 22, 2008, this is a year before Obama is immaculated, and I had people calling me saying, “Rush, don’t you think that it would be great to elect Obama because that would end all this racism. It would end the racial divide.”  And this is an answer I gave countless times during that campaign year.

RUSH ARCHIVE [2008]:  If Obama gets elected president, wouldn’t it be good to just get this done, Rush, then we could end the civil rights squabbles that we’re having?  It wouldn’t do that.  Folks, it might even exacerbate them.

RUSH:  Yes, I predicted it.  Race problems would get worse.  On Drudge, “Poll: Race Relations Deteriorating Sharply Since Obama Elected.”  Once again, El Rushbo thinking outside the box was correct.  Now, who’s responsible for this?  Who, ladies and gentlemen, is responsible for the racial divide getting wider?  Well, for the answer, we have to go to WTXF-TV, Good Day Philadelphia. (…)

RUSH:  Okay, so there’s the answer.  We asked the question, “Why is the racial divide wider than ever?” It’s ’cause of me, according to the experts in Philadelphia media, it’s because of me. 


But look at all the stuff I’m responsible for in Philadelphia, the racial divide, McNabb being booed.  Man. It’s been a big year, a big decade, and I’ve only been to Philadelphia three times in this whole decade.  Look at the destruction I have wrought.