5 Feet of Fury

What we’ve all been waiting for: an un-stupd review of ‘Uncle Sam’ (1997)

FLASH: Mon-asshole discovered at hipster movie review site!!!

Sign of the end times?

OK: This is how stupid Hollywood liberals are:

When their anti-conservative flicks backfire (i.e., the songs in Bob Roberts turn out to be kinda catchy; their anti-war flicks bomb; we cheer the ending of Easy Rider…), the filmmakers don’t even realize that by foisting their crap on the world at large, they’ve made themselves look stupider than their fictional, satirical “rightwing” targets.

Nathan Shumate at ColdFusion writes:

I think I could go out on a limb and guess who screenwriter Larry Cohen and director William Lustig (…) voted for in the last five Presidential elections. It’s not hard to guess; everyone and everything in the story which is even passingly pro-American, pro-military, patriotic, conservative, or in any other way flyover-countryesque is shown to be corrupted and hypocritical. (…)

I’m not saying that war isn’t hell, and that it shouldn’t be avoided whenever possible. But Messrs. Cohen and Lustig don’t seem to want to entertain the possibility that someone can believe in patriotism or American exceptionalism or the sacrifice of military service for reasons of good conscience, without any venal ulterior motive.

In other words, Cohen and Lustig strongly imply that they’re exactly the kind of people that Uncle Sam would label “unpatriotic cowards” and kill on principle.