5 Feet of Fury

Mmm-mmm-Mohammed! Campbell’s Soup now halal

Funny, I don’t remember them ever announcing they were kosher…

Scaramouche first spotted this story:

“Campell’s Soup Canada is about to go halal. No biggie, right? Wrong. It is doing so under the auspices of the Islamic Society of North America, a Wahhabi-funded racket that is said to have ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.”

 The latest: this news has spawned — you guessed it — a Facebook “Boycott Campbell’s Soup” page.

So now it’s officially a thing.

(“Allahbet soup” graphic by Arnie.)


Salon and others have noticed, and they do NOT approve of our Islamophobic ways!

They say we are “going nuts” and “freaking out” — but they sound more “freaked out” than we do.