5 Feet of Fury

My only objections are to the ‘sliding’ and the question mark

Even when people want to say something, they hedge. It’s boring and frustrating. This is like “asking”: “Are we sliding off a cliff?” when your car is already burning at the foot of the mountain.

Oh well, I don’t work for the Globe & Mail:

Prof. Minogue writes from Britain, where the Labour government (2007) began seizing “unacceptable” families and holding them, without consent, for extended periods of behaviour-modification training by cadres of civil servants from eight government departments.

These families had a record of drug addiction, child violence and poor mental attitudes. Where, he asks, will this cleansing end?

Gordon Brown, speaking this past spring before he lost power, announced his four-year target for these statist interventions: 50,000 families by 2015.

Writing last year in the Daily Mail, Prof. Minogue held the government itself responsible for much of the conduct that it now deems “unacceptable.”

Never in its history, he said, had Britain funded so much official compassion.

Never in its history had Britain endured so much inexplicable [sic] violence.

The country once renowned for its great gentleness was sliding inexorably into a tyranny of good intentions.