5 Feet of Fury

‘Peter Mackay and the cancelling of Imam Delic’

Brian Lilley writes:

One of the main questions in the early emails I received on this was “Why is Islam being given special treatment?”

Going on to point out that other religions are not given special months at National Defence Headquarters. It’s true there was an Anglican bishop that read a prayer when the new Governor General was sworn in last week but he could not even say the name of his God, referring to “Creator Spirit” and generally sounding like he was reading a United Nations brochure.

From the email campaign the story was picked up by bloggers such as Blazing Cat Fur, Five Feet of Fury, Free Canuckistan and others with similarly colourful names.

These bloggers and their readers pushed the story for two or three days until the talk by Delic was cancelled late on Friday. As far as I can tell none of these bloggers is the Charles McVety type. They may be conservative but they are not card carrying members of the religious right.