5 Feet of Fury

You missed a great evening with Lars Vilks (UPDATED with video)

If you live in Ottawa, Boston or Philadelphia — where Vilks’ public talks were cancelled due to “security concerns” — I feel sorry for you.

Vilks walked us through the chain of events that led, among other things, to two Muslims trying to set his house on fire.

He’s a stoic, with a deadpan sense of humor. Being an artist, he sees the last several years since he created his “Mohammed Traffic Round About Dog” drawing as one big unscripted, real life performance art project, death threats and all. His attitude is Situationist, with more than a touch of Andy Warhol.

Vilks narrated a slide show of his adventures. We were all laughing our butts off at some points, particularly the inevitably typo-filled Muslim protest signs, and other Muslims burning a “Danish” flag that was, er, green and orange… The craven cowardice of his fellow artists was another running gag. I won’t spoil it for you, but the way one gallery finally agreed to “display” his offending drawing was like something out of a (bad) comedy sketch.

There may be video of the event available later, but until then, you can watch Lars’ appearance on the Michael Coren Show HERE.

Thanks to the Canadian branch of the International Free Speech Society for working so hard to bring Vilks to Canada — and the JDL for providing the venue and security. (Especially since Vilks is an equal opportunity offender: some of his drawings depict Jews, and others, unflatteringly, to put it mildly. He has a Jesus is a pedophile illustration, too, for instance.)

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