5 Feet of Fury

‘Because shutting down a speech is now a core Jewish value…’

Yeah, this all sounds SO familiar…

David Harsanyi — still not famous enough:

As a Jew, I’m often asked why my fellow tribesmen are so predictably left-wing. And since we Jews are in constant telepathic contact, I can answer the question. For Jews, liberalism isn’t an ideological choice; it’s a spiritual stand-in. The religion of the average American Jew is liberalism.

(…) having attended an orthodox Yeshiva for years I can state safely that today’s Jewish “values” have as much to do with Talmudic teachings as Lady Gaga has to do to with Beethoven. (…)

Hagee can offend me, as well. But he’s raised awareness among Evangelicals about Israel’s struggles and the Iranian regime’s genocidal daydreams — you know, real religious fanatics.

Elie Wiesel, Joe Lieberman  and Alan Dershowitz recently joined Hagee in [a?] video spot produced by Christians United for Israel [dencouncing?] Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s “incitement to genocide.”

But the indignant Denver Jewish “community” can’t have its ideals compromised by listening to the guy for an hour?