5 Feet of Fury

Canadian leftists not even trying to hide their racism, sexism any more

You might think that the news that a young lesbian Muslim is replacing an old white man as a columnist at Canada’s “newspaper of record” would have the nation’s “enlightened” “compassionate” “progressives” celebrating.

You’d be wrong.

My question is:

Why did you even think that in the first place?

I mean, honestly: are you really that dumb?

It amuses me that so many so-called conservatives, who claim to possess a modicum of political savvy, and insight into human nature, still fall for old “left/right” paradigms and stereotypes.

This kind of idiotic, old fashioned thinking is a speedbump on the road to change.

The unhinged reaction of “progressives” to this banal announcement isn’t shocking, if you’ve been paying even the slightest bit of attention over the last 10 or even 20 years.

The Left has been turning its old loyalties upside down and inside out since the days when somebody felt the need to coin the word “neo-con.”

Their racism is on display daily. (Here’s just the latest anti-semitic liberal douchebag — and note: he’s Hispanic. Shocka!)

Now, it’s fine to revel in today’s sordid little spectable. I’m loving it.

But if you’re genuinely shocked and surprised by it, then you’re a liability to the conservative cause, because you are so damn naive, inexperienced and uninformed.

UPDATE: incredibly, right after I hit “post,” I found this in my inbox…

 If you take away the dominant Tier One cities like New York, Chicago and Los Angeles you will find that the “progressive” cities aren’t red or blue, but another color entirely: white.

In fact, not one of these “progressive” cities even reaches the national average for African American percentage population in its core county.

Perhaps not progressiveness but whiteness is the defining characteristic of the group.

The progressive paragon of Portland is the whitest on the list, with an African American population less than half the national average. It is America’s ultimate White City. The contrast with other, supposedly less advanced cities is stark.

It is not just a regional thing, either. Even look just within the state of Texas, where Austin is held up as a bastion of right thinking urbanism next to sprawlvilles like Dallas-Ft. Worth and Houston.

Again, we see that Austin is far whiter than either Dallas-Ft. Worth or Houston.

This raises troubling questions about these cities. Why is it that progressivism in smaller metros is so often associated with low numbers of African Americans? Can you have a progressive city properly so-called with only a disproportionate handful of African Americans in it? In addition, why has no one called these cities on it?

As the college educated flock to these progressive El Dorados, many factors are cited as reasons: transit systems, density, bike lanes, walkable communities, robust art and cultural scenes. But another way to look at it is simply as White Flight writ large. Why move to the suburbs of your stodgy Midwest city to escape African Americans and get criticized for it when you can move to Portland and actually be praised as progressive, urban and hip?

In fact, lack of ethnic diversity may have much to do with what allows these places to be “progressive”.

It’s easy to have Scandinavian policies if you have Scandinavian demographics.

Now, there’s a lot wrong with that article. Not the stats, but the liberal writer’s conclusions.

Yes, the people of Houston (being good Christians, unlike the atheist folks in most “progressive” cities) did welcome displaced Katrina losers.

But now they wish they’d leave — and they ain’t going anywhere.

The real reason white cities like Portland embrace the words (and limp gestures towards) “diversity” and “muliticulturalism” is because they DON’T actually experience them.

If they lived the reality of “multiculturalism” every day, they would (eventually, secretly) come to realize that it breeds crime and social decay.

People want to live around people who are like themselves. This article proves it. These maps prove it. The evidence of your senses proves it, as does thousands of years of history.

Why are you still in denial?