5 Feet of Fury

Hippie Punching: a helpful guide (2008)

With all this talk about “hippie punching,” I was embarrassed that I’d never heard the expression before.

Turns out I’m not alone.

But leave it to Frank J., who was way ahead of the “hippie punching” curve:

Q. Are there any other uses for hippies than punching them?
A. No, there are no other uses.

Q. Couldn’t they be ground up and used as chum?

Actually, this sounds pretty familiar:

Top Obama adviser David Axelrod got an earful of the liberal blogosphere’s anger at the White House moments ago, when a blogger on a conference call directly called out Axelrod over White House criticism of the left, accusing the administration of “hippie punching.”

“We’re the girl you’ll take under the bleachers but you won’t be seen with in the light of day,” the blogger, Susan Madrak of Crooks and Liars, pointedly told Axelrod on the call, which was organzied for liberal bloggers and progressive media.


Kinda like Canadian conservative bloggers and our “relationship” with a Certain National Newspaper, where our story ideas magically appear a day or two after we post them on our sites — without credit or compensation, naturally.

(The same paper that won’t even spell out my name in a column mocking me.)

UPDATE from Ghost of a Flea, who writes, “But wait! There’s less!”

The difference between the National Post and Margaret Atwood?

Atwood has the courtesy to link my work.

And that’s after I called her a moron. Which she is. But with class.


This is my second profound disagreement with Jim Treacher, and the second with a (cough, yawn) gender component.

Earlier, we called each other names debated the proposition that able-bodied men who didn’t tackle lone, low calibre gunmen during school shootings were shallow, uselelss pussies.

Today, at the end of an otherwise just-the-facts post on “hippie punching,” Treacher delivers what’s supposed to be some kind of Chandleresque death blow:

Oh, and about those bleachers: You went there and did what was asked of you willingly, dollface. The rest of us knew better, and what happened under there is nobody’s fault but your own. Live and learn.

Here we go again:

Being male, Jim is unfamiliar with the concept of the “moped.” 

That female progressive blogger’s use of the word “bleachers” should have been a clue:

An unpopular, unattractive, vulnerable girl in middle/high school may go “willingly,” but she likely had very different expectations of how she would be treated afterwards than/by the guy who invited her.

That expectation was/is indeed naive, and sounds almost insanely stupid — if you’re a grown man (for whom high school is now a distant and possibly even fond memory and not a present day hell.)

However, if you are/were that unpopular, unattractive, vulnerable girl, it sounds like Wednesday afternoon.
