5 Feet of Fury

It’s on: Andrew Breitbart vs Glenn Beck

Via Kaus (who is now blogging for Newsweek):

“Fearless” is an appropriate word for Breitbart, who operates on gut instinct rather than excessive desk work. But he’s also fearless when it comes to Glenn Beck. The topic of Beck’s giant Aug. 28 Lincoln Memorial rally, with its religious theme, came up in the middle of Breitbart’s talk—and Breitbart didn’t hesitate to say that he was “pissed that he [Beck] would commandeer the Tea Party for that purpose,” meaning a religious purpose. Breitbart’s argument seemed to be, to paraphrase: “We had a nice Tea Party going on in a big tent, with secularists and Jews and South Park-ers and what-have-you allied against big government. Why chase away people who don’t want it to be all about God?”